Janet Hyde Graduate Student Research Grant
The Hyde Grant Committee welcomes proposals for the Hyde Graduate Student Research Grants. These grants, each up to $500, are awarded to doctoral psychology students to support feminist research. The grants are made possible through the generosity of Janet Shibley Hyde, Ph.D. Past recipients of Hyde Graduate Student Research Grants are not eligible to apply. Because the purpose of this award is to facilitate research that otherwise might not be possible, projects that are beyond the data analysis stage are not eligible.
Please send all application materials attached to a single e-mail message to the Hyde Award Co-chairs at the following addresses by March 15 (for the spring deadline) or September 15 (for the fall deadline):
Dr. Clare M. Mehta, Mehtac@emmanuel.edu and Dr. Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, MooreheadO@parkschool.org
1. Cover page with project title, investigator's name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address
2. A 100-word abstract
3. A proposal (5-pages maximum, double-spaced) addressing the project's purpose, theoretical rationale, and procedures, including how the method and data analysis stem from the proposed theory and purpose. References are not included in this 5-page limit.
4. A one-page, double-spaced statement articulating the study's relevance to feminist goals and importance to feminist research.
5. The expected timeline for progress and completion of the project (including the date of the research proposal committee meeting). The project timeline should not exceed two years.
6. A faculty sponsor's recommendation, including a statement on why the research cannot be funded by other sources. This letter should be attached to the e-mail with the application materials. Please do not send it separately.
7. Status of the IRB review process, including expected date of IRB submission and approval. Preference will be given to proposals that have already received approval.
8. An itemized budget (if additional funds are needed to ensure completion of the project, please specify sources). Funds cannot be used for tuition, living expenses, or travel to present research at a conference.
9. The applicant's curriculum vitae
All sections of the proposal should be typed and prepared according to APA style. Please use 12-point font, and one inch margins.
Applicants should submit no more than 2 files, one with the letter of recommendation and one with all other required materials
Proposals that fail to meet the guidelines described above will not be reviewed.
Review Process
A panel of psychologists will evaluate the proposals for theoretical and methodological soundness, relevance to feminist goals, applicant's training and qualifications to conduct the research, and feasibility of completing the project.
Other Requirements
Only one application will be accepted per student, for each application deadline. Applicants who are involved in multiple projects that meet the submission requirements should choose the project that best fits the evaluation criteria (see “Review Process”).
Within 24 months of receipt of the grant, recipients are expected to submit to the Hyde committee co-chairs a complete and final copy of the research document (e.g., a copy of the thesis, dissertation or journal manuscript based on the sponsored research), along with a 500-word abstract for publication in Division 35 newsletter. In addition, grant recipients shall acknowledge the funding source in the author's notes in all publications. Hyde award winners will be announced at the APA convention during Division 35 Social Hour. The names of the Hyde award winners may also be posted in Division 35 newsletter as well as on Division 35 web page and listserv.
Request for Abstracts from previous Hyde Award Winners
Brief abstracts of the work conducted by previous award recipients are printed in the newsletters. Previous award winners are highly encouraged to contact Dr. Clare Mehta, Hyde Award Co-chair, atmehtac@emmanuel.edu to submit a 500 word summary of their Hyde grant-funded research for consideration of publication in the Feminist Psychologist.
Questions and other communications may be sent to the committee co-chairs:
Clare M. Mehta, Ph.D., Co-Chair, Phone: 617-975-9362, E-mail: mehtac@emmanuel.edu and Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, Ph.D., Co-Chair, Phone: 617-414-4646, E-mail: MooreheadO@parkschool.org.
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