September 22, 2015

Routh Research and Dissertation Grant

The Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP), Division 53 of the American Psychological Association, is pleased to announce the first annual Routh Research and Dissertation Grant in honor of Don Routh, Ph.D. The grants are intended to provide support for graduate students’ research. Up to four $2,500 grants will be awarded annually.
The grants are funded by editor’s Honoria donated to SCCAP by Dr. Routh when he was the editor of the Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 
Dr. Routh has had a long and successful career in clinical child and pediatric psychology since receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1967.  He has been a dedicated academic psychologist having taught undergraduates, graduate students (chairing over 100 Honors theses, Masters theses, and dissertations) and Clinical Psychology interns at the University of Iowa, UNC-Chapel, and the University of Miami, from which he retired as Professor Emeritus in 2002.
Among his many professional accomplishments, Dr. Routh has served as President of APA Divisions 12, 33, 37, Sections 1 and 5 of Division 12, and has authored “Clinical Psychology since 1917” and co-authored or co-edited additional books as well as refereed articles related to clinical child and pediatric psychology. He also received the Distinguished Contribution Award in 1989 from Division 12, Section 1.
In his “retirement” Dr. Routh has received both Bachelors and Masters degrees in History and has recently published writing that focuses on the careers of social psychologists, Carolyn and Muzafer Sherif.
SCCAP is very thankful to Dr. Routh for his generosity and support through the years.

Information on how to apply including deadlines will be posted shortly.

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