March 8, 2011

Wanted: Clinicians Treating Social Anxiety

A message from Div. 12 and Div. 29 (APA):

As part of an ongoing collaborative initiative to establish a two-way bridge between research and practice, the Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12 of the American Psychological Association) and Division 29 of the American Psychological Association, have created a mechanism whereby practicing therapists can report on their clinical experiences using empirically supported treatments (ESTs). Much in the way that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides physicians with a method for giving feedback on their experiences in using empirically supported drugs in clinical practice, we have established a procedure for practicing therapists to disseminate their clinical experiences. This is not only an opportunity for clinicians to share their experiences with other therapists, but also can offer clinically based information that researchers may use to investigate ways of improving treatment.

We started with the treatment of panic disorder, and some of you may have been taken that survey—for which we are grateful. The findings of the panic survey appear in The Clinical Psychologist, the newsletter of the Society of Clinical Psychology [American Psychological Association (APA) Division 12 Committee on Building a Two-Way Bridge Between Research and Practice (2010)]. You can get a copy of this on page 10 of the newsletter by either clicking, using control+click, or copy and pasting the following:

We would now ask you to complete a very brief survey of your clinical experiences in using an EST—specifically CBT--in treating social anxiety. By identifying the obstacles to successful treatment, we can then take steps to overcome these shortcomings.

Your responses, which will be anonymous, will be tallied with those of other therapists and posted on the Division 12 and 29 Web sites at a later time. The results of the feedback we receive from clinicians will be provided to researchers, in the hope they can investigate ways of overcoming these obstacles.

The social anxiety survey is short—it should take 10 minutes, appears in a popular survey format, and can be found by clicking, control+click, or copy and pasting the following:

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